Sunday, October 9, 2011

Get your head out of the sand!

     I have been idle lately, been occupied with other things and instead of writing down all these frustrations, they are running rampant in my head and causing me stress and sleepless nights!! 
     It still amazes me to see just how unbelievably obtuse the American people have become!  Do you really believe all the babble you are hearing from the politicians "you" voted in?  If the American people are not careful and start to open your eyes to what is going on with those politicians (mostly republicans), this country is headed for sure communism.  Ever really look at who the people are that run those communist countries?  They are all greedy, rich, narcissist people!  And news flash people, your republican party backs only the rich, so go figure what their only interests are! 
     All I hear is complaints that our president hasn't done miracles in his first 2 years....again, news flash people, open your eyes, take it out of the sand!  The whole beginning of his presidency all he could do was try and get this country out of the massive hole the previous administration put us in.  And yes, it took all that time to do it....but all you hear is negative things about it!  I myself would hate to think what would have happened to this country if instead of keeping the banks in business and our automobile dealerships afloat, he let them go under!  Then you want to blame him alone for the fact that even though the banks are fluid again, they aren't lending money, they are still foreclosing on homes instead of redoing mortgages so people can pay it, therefore putting people out of their homes.  As for jobs, he has proposed numerous things that would put jobs out there, but all he runs into is a brick wall.  Look at the figures people, businesses are making money, they are showing profits, not tiny ones either, but they aren't hiring people how is that all our president's fault?  By the time the president could almost breath and try to get to the ideas he had and spoke about during his candidacy for president, the American people had removed ones that backed him and put in more of the same that was there during the previous administration that now is denying anything he has to offer, whether it is good for the country and people or not, because people, this is not about politics anymore, it's not about what is good for the people anymore, the republicans are wanting to take complete control of this country, make the rich richer, and they don't care at all if the little man has a job, a roof over their head, food on their table or ability to get health care! 
     Did anyone see Meet the Press this Sunday morning?  Oh my gosh, talk about showing total stupidity was the two that were on there today! If you just listened to their words, you would see exactly what I have said!  They don't care about the "people in general", they only care about the rich people.  One of them even has the gall to say that if a person isn't wealthy it's their own fault, that the anger being shown from the protesters at wall street is because of jealousy!  I mean really?  If anyone would vote for such an arrogant person such as that, I don't want to know you, for you are not someone that has any compassion for human kind!
     I said it before and I'll say it again, just look at facts......administration prior to Bush, we had a balanced budget.......after Bush, we went into a war we still can't get out of, we went into a recession that dang near crippled this country, and we are still fighting to get listen, truly open your ears and listen to what the president is saying about how to fix things, then truly look at the other side that doesn't want to help this country, just take it over.........they are not wanting to do anything to help because their only agenda is to get our President out of office and one of their rich egotistical cronies to take over not just the presidency but this country!

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