Friday, July 22, 2011


     Oh Mr. Beener or whatever your name is, you are so pathetically stupid!!  You sound like a broken record, no, I won't stand any raise in taxes, no I won't allow my rich corporations that pad my pockets to be paying fair taxes.....but you will allow the middle and lower class to go further under!!  Are all of you glad you put these idiots in office?? 

     Let's about you folks up there get a pay are making too much money now, and get rid of your big fancy homes and servants and limos, Rolex's, gold, etc etc etc!!  Go down to 1 house like every other normal Joe has, cook your own food, clean your own house, and boy, could this save us some money now wouldn't it?  Pay for your own security if you are so in need of it.......but you know, acting like you cared for the "people" instead of your rich counter folks, people may start liking you instead of wanting to harm you! 

     Let's get rid of these people up there folks and only allow them to hold office for 2 yrs, if they don't do what they say, get them the heck out of there!  They are so incredibly ignorant and expect to try to make people like myself, that use common sense and logic to live by that all these problems we have is our current Presidents fault is such bull malarkey!!!!  He inherited all this, kept this country from going into a depression, and yes, our debt is high, but not by his doing!! 

      So I say to you Mr. Beener and your dumb bunny friends up there, you and your previous republican president got us in this mess, so shut the heck up and let us get out of this mess!!

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