Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Obese epidemic they say??

        Oh by all means, this is another one of the governments pet projects, people being overweight!! Sure, this is more important than working on a balanced budget people!!
    Now let's see their issues of late.  Oh right, too many Micky dee happy meals are corrupting and making our children obese.  Oh please!!! Do they really think that these children eat there 7 days a week, 3 meals a day?  Not hardly.  And once a week surely isn't causing their weight issues!  
     I think they need to look back a few years.  Let's look at the methods of producing food to feed us.  Years ago, there wasn't this issue was then became the demand for more products, and lets produce it faster because the demand called for it, not enough food to this is when they started to add all those little things that make the chickens lay more eggs, the cows produce more milk and faster, the animals needed to grow up quicker and fatter so they could be sent to slaughter to handle the demand!!  I truly think this is the issue and why eating the same foods we have eaten for years now is causing obesity in America!!  Our children are developing years younger also because of all the additives they use.  So let's start looking at the real cause and stop blaming everyone but the people that allow that to be given to the animals!

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