Many many moons ago when I first signed up to vote, the lady asks me, do you want to register democrat or republican? I thought a moment, looked at her, and said, what's the difference? She looked amused, then said, I think it wise that we register you independent!
So I said, what will that mean? And she kindly informed me that this way I could freely look at all the candidates and choose whomever I wanted to vote for! And to this day, over 40 years later, I am still registered independent. For a long time I just would listen when the time came, weigh their messages and determine which one I felt was telling the least amount of lies and that would be the one I voted for. I was married to a man that was quite involved in politics, and thru him I learned the basic difference between the democrats and republicans. He told me the democrats cared and worked for the normal average low to middle income people, and the republicans cared and worked for the wealthy. And over the years this has also proven to be quite true.
The president we currently have, Mr. Obama, has been one of the most honest, intelligent, and caring people I have seen in politics in quite a few years. Against many people and pressure, he continues to push to help the little guys, you and me! It's a shame that even some of his own party is weak and succumbing to the stupidity of the republican party! It's also amazing to me to continually see, listen, and read the most ignorant comments that people will say regarding the economy, jobs, etc etc etc!!
Let's take a look back a few years.....Clinton had a balanced budget. Next 8 years....Bush are trillions in debt, in a major recession, in two wars, auto dealerships going under, banks going under, etc etc etc. And then President Obama is now being blamed for all of that in his 2 plus years in office. Come on people, surely you have something up there in your head? He didn't have much choice in the things this country had to do to pull us out of it. Yes, it's slow recovering, no one ever said it was going to happen overnight, and if anyone thinks it can recoup 8 years of damage in 2 years, your dumber than rocks!
Mid term elections, you put more of those that just about ruined this country in the last 8 years back into office, and now look at the ads already coming out. Why can't political ads be about ideas they have that can fix the problems, instead of stupid ignorant comments about what they already did to us! You liking what is happening up there in congress right now? They are trying to force everyone to do what they the rich can get richer and the poor get poorer! Think about it, why are they fighting it so much, do you see any rich people hurting? Are they losing their homes? Are they losing their jobs? Can they not feed their families? NO! But a lot of us are! They have it made, they don't pay into the system, they get the best medical care, yet don't want to have universal medical care for everyone.
So congress and the people in general.......instead of looking at different sides of politics, let's look at things that the people need, what our country needs and work to a common goal. This division is pure stupidity! And if this country goes into default...well you republican lovers, I hope you will be so pleased with yourselves, because you definitely will not be looked at favorably by anyone else. And no, I've not moved one side or another, I'm still in the middle, but I sure can see who is working to try to help me and who is only caring about the all mighty dollar and how it's going to get in their pocket and out of mine!
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